After a long day, the urge to hit the pillow and forget your troubles becomes very tempting. However, I encourage you to take a couple minutes before bed to make sure your hair feels healthy in the morning. Like skin routines, consistency in a simple routine for your hair makes all the difference. I promise the change mimics night and day; hair damage prevented, and healthy hair growth promoted. Night hair routine should not take you long time but the extra couple minutes you will spend it will come with big results. Besides once you get your routine down it will come like a second nature. Here are some ideas that have the potential to achieve your hair goals: 

Short answer

Simple night hair routine will change the way your hair will look and act in a morning. Simple steps like brushing your hair out, putting light oil on ends, and putting in a loose braid will make a difference.

1. Don’t sleep with your hair wet

If you take one thing from this article, let it be not sleeping with your hair wet. The warmth from your scalp and the moisture from your wet hair are perfect conditions for fungus to grow. Ewww. Right? Once fungus develops on your scalp, certain medication is needed to balance the ph and takes a while to restore. The natural way your body is fighting this is by creating extra sebum. Your hair will then feel greasy even if you washed it or will get greasy in the evening, even if you washed it that day. Also, the hair is more fragile while wet which leads to more breakages. Moral of the story, hit the pillow with completely dry hair. We Brush Original is the best brush out there!

2. Brush It

Unless you have lots of products in your hair, or your hair is naturally curly, brush your hair before bed. Benefits include stimulating the blood to your scalp, spreading natural oils from your scalp to your hair, and you will be massaging your scalp that relieves pressure. If you have naturally curly hair, you can substitute brushing before bed for massaging your scalp with your fingers and some oil. Brushing your hair is an important step in your nighttime routine. Beside spreading your natural hair oils, it will detangle and add shine. Your morning hair will be much easier to manage. I recommend using Wet Brush Original for best results.


4. Dry Shampoo

I strongly believe that applying dry shampoo on clean hair, especially before bed, helps to keep your hair from not getting greasy so fast. The dry shampoo will absorb the hair oils as soon as it develops, which will help you go longer without washing your hair. Lift your hair in sections and spray it on the roots. By sectioning you will be more precise and closer to the roots. After applying your dry shampoo, I usually massage my scalp to rub it in and besides it feels good after a long day. You can follow with the oil on your ends right after this step. Then put it in a bun or a loose braid. 

5. Hairstyle

If your hair is shorter, then sleeping with your hair down is best. However, if your hair is longer, then a loose braid or loose bun is ideal. Besides it will give you some volume or heatless curls. These hairstyles prevent hair damage because while putting your head on a pillow, as you move throughout the night, the pillow and hair rub and create friction. However, while braided or tied, the hair is only partially exposed to the pillow. Nevertheless, nothing too tight, otherwise the style defeats the purpose and will cause damage to your roots. Click here for my recommendation for hair buns!

Final Thoughts

Hair night routine it’s important step in your day. We all have some days we can’t just even make ourselves to brush our teeth so I understand that there will be days we skip our routines. Night hair routine could be very relaxing, combing your hair, massaging your scalp, putting some nice oil… why not to diffuse some lavender while at it.

For more tips for your hair click here!

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