Hair Care for Fine Hair

Hair Care for Fine Hair

We all, as humans, want what we don’t have. When we have curly hair, we’ll buy a flat iron. If we have straight hair, we’ll buy a curling iron, for thick hair – we’ll ask our hairdresser to thin it out. Extensions are usually a great option. Just like the right skin routine will help you with a glow, the right hair care will make your hair shiny, healthy, and easy to manage. Day-to-day hair care could be simplified and effortless once you learn what works best for you.

Each hair has a different diameter: either small, medium, or large. Then, we consider the amount of hair on our head, which determines if we have thin or thick hair. Most of the time, fine hair roots are small, so much more hair could fit in the same square inch. So, you may have fine individual hair but lots of hair, yet that doesn’t even determine the texture of your hair.

However, this article is about fine hair, so I’ll elaborate on ways I like taking care of fine hair. Fine hair is a blessing and a curse: blessing because it’s considerably easy to take care of it when you have the routine down, yet a curse because it is very fragile and can break easily due to how delicate it is. I hope these 5 hair care tips for fine hair will help you keep your fine hair healthy and “wispy-free”.

1. Washing

When you have fine hair, you’ll have more hairs per square inch on your scalp. In fact, with the hair strand being thinner, they grow closer together. However, the negative side of this is that each hair has an oil glad. Since they will be closer together, this leads to your hair getting greaser sooner. A person with fine hair will benefit from THE right hair wash routine. I strongly recommend shampooing twice but be very gentle with it because it’s even more fragile when the hair is wet. Gently massage the shampoo and use warm water instead of hot to rinse it out.
  Click here to purchase the shampoo!

Fine hair clients feel like they need to wash it daily. Don’t over shampoo your fine hair. Skipping a hair wash day would be very beneficial. Your hair will learn to prevent greasiness, and the natural oils will have time to be absorbed by your hair and act as natural conditioner. Besides over-washing it will make too much oil production. Once you start skipping hair wash days your hair will adjust and won’t overproduce oil. Feel too greasy to get out in public? Try this dry shampoo in between your washes.

2. Condition first

When you have fine hair, conditioner might be too heavy and make you feel like you must wash your hair the very next day. Applying conditioner before shampoo might sound strange, but I’ve personally tried this new idea and I really enjoyed the results. When you wet your hair well, apply your conditioner to your ends first, then grab some shampoo and apply it on your scalp. Proceed by massaging your scalp with the shampoo. Since the hair is the most fragile when it’s wet, the conditioner on your ends will keep your hair more bonded together. After you are done washing your scalp, rinse the shampoo and conditioner will rinse out at the same time. Then try to feel your hair and determine the next steps. 

Most likely, you will want to repeat the same shampooing process while applying conditioner on your ends first. After your second rinse, if you feel your ends a bit dry you can apply just a conditioner and doing a cold-water rinse at the end. If your ends feel hydrated enough, then there’s no need for more conditioner. Shampoos that are for fine hair tend to be more drying. I’m a strong believer in conditioners, even for fine hair, if you avoid applying to the scalp. I understand that it might be a strange concept, but if you have a fine hair give it a go and decide for yourself if you like the results.  Find out more about the product here!

3. Second Day Hairstyles

Having fine hair, I know it is not easy to skip hair washing days, yet they are very important for your hair health. Find your favorite dry shampoo and apply it on clean hair. That way grease has less chance since the dry shampoo is already there to absorb it. Just because you didn’t wash your hair doesn’t mean you can’t have cute hairstyle. There are soooooooo many options on Pinterest. Who says you can’t make full size cute messy bun with your fine hair? Grab some clip in extensions and add to the ponytail, tease some hair, and twist it up to a cute bun. Have fun with it.  Click here for my recommendation.

4. Oil

Oil is wonderful moisturizer for your hair. So many people can’t live without their favorite hair oil, from the best smelling to luxury one. For a person with fine hair, oil might be very hard to use because the hair will absorb so fast and become limp. Does that mean you should avoid oil all together if you have fine hair? Not in my opinion. I strongly encourage my fine hair clients to use oil, but a little differently. I suggest using oil on hair ends before going to sleep so the oil can get observed during the night. 

I also suggest doing a “prewash treatment” with oil. Apply hair oil on your hair, leave it on 20-30 min and then proceed with your hair wash routine. Why not to apply some pre-wash oil on your hair and scalp, then proceed with scalp massage. Spear 5min for your self-care. Scalp massage will increase blood circulations which will help stimulate hair growth. To sum it up I recommend two hair oils for my fine hair clients. The first one is a light oil that goes on your ends on your clean hair every night. The second one is a heavier pre-wash oil.    Click here for the recommendation.

Hair Care for Fine Hair

5. Turn it Down

Heat, especially that comes from hot styling tools, is harmful to all types of hair. Fine hair is very vulnerable to breakage and gets burn a lot easier than other types of hair. Does the heat help smooth out your hair? Absolutely! Can we get more volume when styling with heat? You bet! Can we get different texture like curly or straight with hot tools? Of course! Hot tools are wonderful and can make our day a very good hair day. All I am saying is to use a lower heat setting and don’t use it every single day. Go ahead and curl your hair for that date of yours but take a break on other days. Plus, maybe try to learn some “no heat” hair styles!

On the days you choose to use heat for styling, take an important step to use a heat protective. Heat protector is like a sunscreen for your hair. After applying the heat protector just make sure your hair is completely dry. It’s a big NO-NO to use heat on damp hair. It will instantly fry beyond repair. To purchase my recommended product click here.

For more tips for your hair click here!

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