5 Natural Remedies For Your Hair in the Kitchen!
There is nothing wrong with expensive products, especially professional products. However, there is also nothing wrong with using what you already have in your kitchen. Whether you are trying to save money, cutting back due to inflation, or other reasons that no one needs to know. This article is about my recommended 5 natural remedies for your hair in the kitchen!
Either way, your hair doesn’t have to suffer. I believe if you use expensive products, kitchen products, or a combination of both, the goal is the same: to have beautiful and healthy hair. To achieve this goal, there isn’t just one way to go about it. In this article, I researched this specific topic, so you don’t have to, even asking my grandmother and mother who are also hairdressers. In fact, my grandmother has been doing hair for more then 50 years and she lived through the good times and some extremely tough times, including wars.
1. Mayonnaise for Dry Hair
Mayonnaise been recommended to use on our hair for ages, and it’s my grandmother’s favorite treatment for dry hair. It has been popular hair treatment for generations! The basic mayonnaise is made from oil, egg yolk, vinegar or lemon juice, plus seasoning like salt and dijon mustard.
As you can see, those ingredients are loaded with protein, fatty acids, and vitamins. Protein helps to strengthen and thicken hair follicles. Fatty acids help to fight dryness in your hair by hydrating and nourishing it. In fact, it is safe to say that mayonnaise could be described as natural conditioner. The most well-known benefits of this kitchen find for your hair is that mayonnaise helps with dry hair, hair growth from egg yolk (find the study here: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/29583066/), adds shine, strengthens your hair, reduces dandruff.
How to apply mayonnaise mask at home:
1. Wet your hair.
2. Apply either your own made mayonnaise or store bought one on your hair. You can even do
it on your scalp!
3. Comb it through carefully as much as possible to distribute it as evenly as you can.
4. Leave it in 20-30 min. Best would be to put a shower cap next.
5. Rinse it out and proceed with your hair wash routine.
Further Reads on Mayonnaise Treatments
Other ways to use mayonnaise: https://www.instructables.com/The-Mayo-Clinic-9-unusual-uses-for-mayonnaise/? amp_page=true
Mayonnaise hair mask benefits: https://www.healthline.com/health/mayonnaise-hair-mask#benefits
2. Yogurt for Strength
Yogurt is not only good for your gut but also for your hair. Thanks to the proteins, nutrients, and probiotics it contains, your hair will love it. This is one of the amazing kitchen finds that will help treat dandruff and moisturize your hair at the same time. Yogurt has anti-fungal properties that helps to deep clean the scalp and balance pH levels. so it’s great natural conditioner. It will help to moisturize your hair and it will make your hair shiny as well.
So many ways you can use yogurt to treat your hair. Here are some options:
Yogurt and honey
You can mix yogurt and honey to a smooth consistency and apply it to your hair. Leave it in your hair for about 30 minutes, and then proceed with your hair wash routine. This mix may even help prevent spilt ends and hair damage.
Yogurt and egg
Whisk together egg and a yogurt and apply to your hair. Leave it in your hair for about 30 minutes, and then proceed with your hair wash routine. This mix may help with hair growth.
Yogurt and olive oil
Mix yogurt and olive oil together and massage it to your damp hair. After leaving in your hair for about 30 minutes, rinse and proceed with your hair wash routine. This DIY mask can help with shine in your hair

3. Honey for Moisture
Honey is an inexpensive natural hair treatment with lots of great benefits. Honey is humectant, which means it pulls moisture out of hair and transfers to your hair and scalp. What does that mean to you? It will make your hair shiny! Honey also contains lots of antioxidants that will help your hair to feel healthier, less frizzy, smoother, and stronger. How would you use this yummy but sticky kitchen find on your hair? My recommendations would be to add to your DIY hair mask instead of using it directly on your hair.
One of my favorite models Negin Mirsalehi developed a honey infused haircare. Here is a full article – https://us.gisou.com/blogs/blog/honey-for-hair.

4. Olive Oil is Essential for Your Hair
Olive oil benefits for your hair are incredible, including preventing breakage, split ends, hair growth, and shine. It is natural and inexpensive kitchen find for your hair care. How would you use this treatment? You can do as Julia Roberts does, by adding a little warm water to olive oil and putting it on your hair before washing it. You can read about how more beautiful women like Cleopatra or Sophia Loren use olive oil in their beauty routine.
There’s an article you can have a read about the celebrities using olive oil – https://www.redonline.co.uk/beauty/a31184313/julia-roberts-olive-oil-hair-skin/
5. DIY Hair Masks
I personally believe the best way to get the most out of your kitchen finds is to mix them so you will get the most benefits of each ingredient. Here are some examples of how you can do your own hair mask.
Yogurt, honey, and olive oil mask
• 1⁄2 cup plain yogurt
• 2 tsp honey
• 2 tbsp olive oil
How to:
1. Mix all ingredients together. If is feels too thick you can add some warm water to help with
2. Work the mixture into your damp hair.
3. Make a loose bun and cover your head with a plastic shower cap.
4. Leave it in for 20-30 min.
5. Rinse well and proceed with your hair wash routine.
Overall, I wanted to share my knowledge with everyone, because I personally have experienced the magic of amazing kitchen finds. In fact, using healthy and natural ingredients for hair care helps your hair, as well as your wallet. Who says we need to break the bank to hair beautiful hair?! Find more tips on hair here.
If you’d like to learn how to make your own shampoo, visit this blog – https://www.starlightsarah.com/blog/easy-homemade-soapnut-shampoo